Greetings great lovers of words! We would like to introduce the authors that will have the honor of bestowing upon us their beautiful erotic works in this year’s Literary Art Anthology. The Seattle Erotic Art Festival is proud to offer this delightful book for the 10th anniversary of our Literary Art showcase.
Featuring the of prose and poetry of:

Author’s Reading – SEAF2017
Yesim Agaoglu (Instanbul)
Lyssandra Norton (Massachusetts)
Salo (Washington)
Micah BlackLight (Oregon)
Bill Wolak (New Jersey)
Endza Adair (Washington)
T.C. Mill (Wisconsin)
Douggie Darko (Canada)
Jessica Cronn (Washington)
Terry Johnson (Washington)
zenKOAL (Oregon)
Raechel Lynn (Washington)
Gene Clements (California)
TL Travis (Washington)
Peter Manzanares (Washington)
Harlyn Snow (Washington)
Tatiana Carrera (New York)
Raina Star (Washington)
Barbara Wallen (Washington)
Beck Daniel Wren (Washington)
Yemoja Oshun (Georgia)
Zoe Brook (Washington)
Eirikah Delaunay (Washington)
Ophir Reader (Washington)
Raquel Lanseros (Spain)
We can barely wait to delightfully devour their works with our eyes. Sexy readings and art tours by many of these authors are included in your SEAF2018 admission ticket.