The Call For Art is underway, and we are endlessly excited to see all the magnificent erotic art you will be sharing with us! Remember, our Early Bird discount ends this Saturday, December 15, after which submission fees will return to their regular price of $35. If you pay your fee now, you will still be able to submit art up to the close of the Call For Art, on January 15, 2019.

We can’t wait to see your work, and we want you to make your best presentation to our jurors! To help with that, we’ve put together these five bits of advice to help take some of the guesswork out of the submission process!
One piece of visual art per entry. When submitting your visual art, you will see an opportunity for three photos. This is to allow you to submit multiple views of your piece. Maybe you’re a sculptor, and feel the jury needs to see the piece from the side. Maybe you’re a painter, and you want to make sure the jury sees the fine detail in your work that doesn’t show as well in the overall image. However, it is important that all of these images be of the same piece of art.
No watermarks or lettering on the image. We understand the need to protect your art, and to make sure the world knows it’s yours. However, watermarks often cover or warp the piece, making it harder for the jury to evaluate your work. Additionally, the Festival uses a blind jury process, which is undermined by watermarks. We value you your work as an artist, and we value our reputation as a Festival. We will never use images of your work without your express permission.
Make sure your artist name matches what is in your bio. Many artists submitting to the Festival use a professional name or pseudonym. It is important that your biography also uses the same pseudonym. While we may edit your biography for style consistency, we will not edit it for content, which means that if you use your legal name in your biography, so will we.
Double check your art titles! Much like with the biographies, we assume that any misspellings or unusual uses of punctuation and grammar are a part of the work being submitted and done intentionally. We will not fix spelling, punctuation, or grammar in art titles, so please be sure the title of your piece is what you want it to be!
Don’t forget to submit to the store! If you wish to have art in the Festival store, you will need to submit these pieces during the Call For Art with the rest of your work. There will not be an opportunity to add art to the store later as there has been in past years.
So there you are, fabulous creators! And thank you for helping us create a Festival that continues to spark conversations, encourage discussion, and keeps asking the question, “What is Erotic?”
Submit your art here!