My freaky darlings, the witching hour is almost at hand! Seduction: Monstrous is this Saturday! Are you ready to be Monstrous? I hope you already have your tickets, because we are SOLD OUT! But don’t despair. There may yet be a way for you to join the celebration.
Seduction needs you!

We could still use a few more volunteers, and in particular we need a couple bartenders. If you are coming to volunteer as a bartender, please have a current MAST permit. Volunteers willing to take on the graveyard shift (the last two hours of the event and teardown) will have shorter shifts and receive special swag in thanks. If that sounds like something you’re willing to help us with, please contact Sophia at!
The triumphant return of the Costume Contest!

It wouldn’t be a Halloween party without a costume contest, would it? We love seeing the couture costumes that our sexy patrons wear for Seduction. This year, we have four prizes to award over four categories: Best In Show, Most Monstrous, Divinely Dressed, and Creative Climax.
To enter the contest, you will need to arrive between 8pm when doors open and 10pm. We are limiting the contest to the first 100 entrants, and each entrant can be solo, a couple, or a group. When you arrive at Seduction: Monstrous, ask one of our volunteers to tell you where our fabulous staff photographer, Rhena-Dae, is taking photos for the contest. Rhena-Dae will take a Polaroid photo of you and give you a pen to write your contact info on the back. Once that is done, your Polaroid will go on the voting wall where everyone will have until 11pm to vote on the entrants in the four categories in an online survey. We’ll tally the votes and announce the winners at the witching hour at the photo booth. (We will text or email you if you won, too.)
Winners will receive either a one weekend pass or two day passes to SEAF 2024, Seduction: Monstrous swag, and gifts from the generous sponsors of last year’s Festival. Winners will have until 1am to collect their prizes.